
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Finding your Social Voice to boost engagement. (Part 1)

Determining your social voice should be one of the first steps you should take before posting anything on a social network. So what makes your social voice so important?

Well open your mouths baby birds, i'm about to feed you some knowledge.

 1.) Helps maintain consistency - Your growth depends on consistency. The more consistent you stay with your posts and content, the more your followers will be engaged into what you have to say. After all they are following you because they are interested in something that they feel you're in expert in.

2.) Makes your posts more appealing - Generally after doing some market research, you should know who your target audience is. Your target audience will be more engaged depending on who your target audience is; therefor knowing how to communicate with your audience is extremely important. After all, they are the ones purchasing  whatever it is that you have to offer.

3.) Your brand will be more personable - Social Media is all about the relationship, it's how you connect with your audience. Having a good understanding of your market will give your brand a personality; making it alive and authentic. Authenticity is what makes your brand stick in your audience's mind; eventually leading to increasing leads and sales. After all when it comes time for your audience to make a purchase, the company that they trust the most will win the sale.

4.) Welcome to the trust circle - Your consistent, appealing and personable; sounds like a recipe to a good relationship to me. As I mentioned in before the brand that can establish more trust with it's audience will dominate in sales and leads. This is by far the most important reason for finding your social voice. More trust = Better relationships, better business and happy customers.

This article is broken up into two parts to make it an easier read. So I hope you're not full yet baby birds!
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